VR English Language Learning Research Update
We're researching the efficacy of VR English language learning using the Task-Based Language Teaching framework.
Update: VR English Language Research
Our VR English language research project to explore the efficacy of non-immersive VR language learning tasks in the context of tour guides.
Gold Lotus Presents at the Vancouver Film School
We recently presented at the Vancouver Film School in an online workshop which demonstrated how webXR and VR can English language learning.
Our Students Present VR Creations at Online Training Event
Students on our VR for English and Future Skills program present their virtual reality creations in online event.
Gli Studenti dell’Istituto Marconi Hack di Bari hanno realizzato delle Esperienze in Realtà Virtuale
Gli Studenti dell’Istituto Marconi Hack di Bari hanno realizzato delle Esperienze in Realtà Virtuale per Promuovere la Cultura Pugliese.