Extraterrestrial English VR #3 - Idioms
Episode 3 of these VR English lessons - to learn an important English idiom - as sly as a fox

Extraterrestrial English VR #2 - Idioms
In the second of this series of short VR English lessons, join me on the moon to learn an important English idiom in virtual reality.

Extraterrestrial English VR #1 - Idioms
In the first of this series of short VR English lessons, join me on the moon to learn an important English idiom.

Imparare l'Inglese con la Realtà Virtuale a Didacta Firenze
Vuoi sapere di piu’ su come gli studenti possono migliorare il loro inglese in realta’ virtuale e sviluppare la loro capacita’ interpersonal

Try VR for English Learning at Didacta Florence
Join Gold Lotus at Didacta Florence from 9 - 11 October 2019! I'll be in the Innovation and Startup area for you to try VR for language

Learn English in VR - Virtual Breakfast
This is a snapshot from the first Virtual Breakfast in a southern-Italian cafe this morning.The objectives are to improve people's conve

Educators in VR - vLanguage Learning
Michael, founder of the Gold Lotus project, is also tasked with leading the rapidly-growing Educators in VR community's vLanguage Learni

Learn English in VR with Gold Lotus & AltspaceVR - Visit London!
Learn English? Teach English as a foreign language? Well now, through the power of virtual reality you can visit London in VR!

Learn English in VR with Gold Lotus & rumii - Let's Talk About Money!
Learn English in real time VR environments with rumii and Gold Lotus. Here we learn about vocabulary about money!

Virtual Reality English Learning and Cultural Exchange
I met Kojiro Yano in VR, and we jumped on board a London Undergruond train to learn English in VR and share cultural experiences about trans