Virtual Reality for Startups in Schools
In addition to our day-to-day activities of helping people learn English in VR, we're delighted to announce that we've started a collaboration with the "Costa" school in Lecce, Italy, to support secondary-school students in building their entrepreneurial and collaborative skills using virtual reality.
The project, funded by Regione Puglia, is part of the region's drive to keep schools open in the afternoons to make better use of public spaces for a more diversified learning experience.
More details will follow on this blog and social media soon, but yesterday saw Michael, founder of the Gold Lotus project, deliver a presentation to the students who will be involved in the project. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to meet the young minds and their inspiring teacher and project co-collaborator Daniele Manni, to introduce how immersive learning can have an impact on students' development.
Here are a few photos from the day: