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Gold Lotus VR Languages Partners with Educators in VR for VR English Course in Altspace

We at Gold Lotus are delighted to announce our partnership with Educators in VR to run a unique VR English course in Altspace starting January 2021.

For over four years, Michael McDonald has delivered more than 100 free VR English lessons in AltspaceVR, ENGAGE, and other VR platforms, not counting his successful record-breaking 24-hr English Lesson fundraiser project in VR. He is also the co-leader of the Educators in VR vLanguage Learning Team Project, hosting events with experts and topics on learning language in XR regularly.

His free language classes are an opportunity to learn English and expand conversational skills. He also teaches specialised workshops and private lessons focused on specific need and skill levels. As a leading expert in VR language education, Michael is the Co-Leader of the Educators in VR vLanguage team project, bringing together experts and educators from around the world to expand their knowledge and skills in virtual reality language classes.

Educators in VR has produced and hosted more than 1000 workshops, classes, and meetups since its founding in 2018, and in 2021, we are launching our Educators in VR Institute in January offering free and paid workshops and classes in VR. We’re proud to launch one of the first series of workshops with Gold Lotus.

vLanguage English 8-hr Course

Over the next month, Michael of Gold Lotus is hosting a series of free introductory classes on English-language learning through interactivity and discussion in AltspaceVR with a 4-week paid course designed to build your English speaking skills beginning January 12, 2021, in AltspaceVR. The 8-hour course is designed to boost your language skills at the start of the year and includes classes twice a week for 4-weeks for exploration of the language for travel, house and home, holidays, weather, dining, and more. The courses will begin on AltspaceVR and expand to other VR platforms soon. Small intimate classes like this often start at 100 Euros (USD $125). Though the partnership with Educators in VR, we are offering this 8-hour course for 40 Euros (USD $49).

Here are the dates of the course:

If you are interested in learning more about these classes you can come along to our free taster sessions - check out the listings on the Educators in VR Altspace calendar here or get in touch via our contact page.

To register for this special course itself, then please get in touch here or via the Educators in VR page.

We will be running many more courses like this throughout the year so even if the above dates aren't suitable for you then no problem, you can still get in touch here and let us know when you're free.


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