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Our Students Present VR Creations at Online Training Event

One of the key objectives of the courses that we run in schools is to provide students the chance of sharing the work they do with the wider world.

There is a lot of high quality content created in the labs of universities and classrooms of schools, but rarely do students have the possibility to promote their creations to people outside of the educational institution to which they are registered. This, in our opinion, is a great shame.

The opportunity of showing others the fruits of your labour, taking questions and nurturing discussion on why you chose to take a certain path in whatever it is that you create is a solid learning opportunity as it raises deeper questions about the motives of why you made certain decisions, what you did well in the eyes of others, and what you could do better in future. These self reflection, metacognitive skills are key characteristics of successful people.

As a result, as part of our VR for English and Future Skills program we run in Italian secondary schools, we had some of the students present to more than 60 people in an online event organised by ENAIP Piemonte. ENAIP is non-profit organisation working in the area of training and the event evolved around the theme of technology.

Thanks to the virtual reality content created by the students of our partner school Marconi Hack in Bari, Italy, the students presented the 360 degree spaces they created using the webXR technology Mozilla Hubs. Hubs allows you to meet anyone remotely just through a web browser and two students on our course - Gabriele and Paola - spoke about what they had created and their rationale for doing so.

Both students had created immersive digital spaces to promote the local food culture of Puglia, Italy. They also demonstrated how their regional cultural heritage is connected to the wider world through the UN Sustainable Development Goals and included a range of digital material such as audio tracks, videos and interactive objects to communicate their message.

This particular event was in Italian, but next week we will be participating in an online event with an organisation in Vancouver Canada to share the students' creations with fellow teenagers in the English-speaking world.

If you are interested in learning more about the VR for English and Future Skills program, or joining us, then please get in touch here.



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