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Schools Program
Using innovative hardware and our extensive experience teaching English in virtual reality, we support schools, teachers and students in getting the most out of virtual reality to improve the way they develop English language and skills for the future.
Case Study

We deliver our program in a secondary school in Bari, Italy. Over the six-month course, students learn how to use virtual reality hardware and programs to improve their English, while learning how to create and promote their own VR experiences to build important skills for their futures.
Student Learning Path:

Introduction to VR: its opportunities, risks and safety aspects

Global and local cultural awareness: Learn how the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals apply to the world at large, and the students' local life.

Students create their own VR experiences: webXR technology like Mozilla Hubs

Develop English language and skills for the future: Learn how to work together using the English language and how to promote their VR experiences effectively to journalists, bloggers and government bodies.
Hands-on Experience with VR Hardware

Flexible Distance-Learning Modules
Share your Creations
A key part of this course is getting the students to present their creations to the "outside world". Giving students the chance to share their creations with others - both in their native language and in English - ensures that they build a deeper ownership about what they're doing, while developing deeper critical thinking, presentation and language skills.
Here are some of our students presenting their work to 60 attendees at an online conference in March 2021:
VR Student Exchange Program
In our program, we connect your students with other students around the world in VR, so they can meet their peers abroad to not only improve their English language skills and confidence in realistic contexts, but build a deeper awareness of their own cultures and that of others.
VR headset not required - also available on PC!
Get in touch here to join this growing community
"I have discovered a world which is extremely rich, fun and educational"
Loris - student on the program
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